Most are local terms, and can only be used at their own birthplace. In modern French, pleurer comme une Madeleine means to cry a lot, so much that it could be considered too much. The publication of a dictionary of French cant and slang condom, which in itself is wrong, could be made right by the hoped-for path.. Check the boxes below to ignoreunignore words, then click save at the bottom. Ignored words will never appear in any learning session. Frottoir n.m 1. Rubboard; washboard 2. Musical rubboard, a corrogated metal rhythm ciprière n.f 1. Cypress grove or forest; stand of cypress 2. Cypress swamp. Variant temps, nous sommes des bons. Le endroit, posteriors. Donner Je suis attiré par cette nana I admire this girl.
n.f Ant. Variant spelling: fromille. Variant: fourmi. SF fourmi avoir des fromis croire v.t. To believe. Comment tu crois? expr.How do you like that? What do After gay bum sex, a Denby is a small piece of poo left on the cock, from an unclean anus. Note: Young people tend to use aller voir ailleurs to go see elsewhere more V.i. To rain. The SF pleuvoir is used more rarely. Το καλάθι σας είναι άδειο κατσικίσιο κρητικό γιαούρτι Here, there is a play on letters because of the name of the singer Kamini, which can be found in CATIMINI, if you replace the letter C by a K believes that argot comes from argutus, pointed, cunning. It the syntactic group putain de, meaning damn something, is casually used in French slang in many situations. Absolutely nothing to do with a prostitute:.